It is bittersweet to say goodbye to our Media Relations Officer, Dr. Regina Sinelnikov. She was an integral part of the team which co-founded UAlberta WIC and a key player in planning a successful LOGIC 2018 retreat. Her passion for science saw her play a leadership role in other groups, such as Let’s Talk Science and UAlberta Nano. Her dedication to science outreach is contagious and her enthusiastic mentorship is inspirational. She is an incredible woman in chemistry!
Are you interested in becoming more involved with UAlberta WIC? The position of Media Relations Officer is currently vacant for the 2018/2019 term. Please read the short description below:
The Media Relations Officer shall be responsible for the group’s advertisement. This includes updating and maintaining the WIC social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, website, etc.) and creating event announcements (email, posters, etc.) to promote club activities.
If you are interested, please send an email to with a short blurb describing why you would be great for the position!